Saturday, January 21, 2012

Family Meeting Part I

So, after watching "No Impact Man" and mulling over everything we've been talking about in and out of class, I decided I wanted to talk, as a family, about what we can do both individually and as a household to reduce our impact.  I was hoping to do this last night but Tessa, our teenager, had another commitment (which is more the rule than the exception these days).  I really want this to be a family wide talk so we're waiting until tomorrow night.  I'm not sure what kind of reaction we'll get.  I've talked a bit about it to my eldest son, Devin, who's twelve.  He sounds up for it but intention and practice are a challenge at his (and my!) age.

I've got some ideas about what I want to do.  As Andrea Cohen-Kiener says, you can't decide for someone else what they should do, you can only make your own commitments.  I'm going to commit to walking or biking for any trip within a two mile radius (barring absolutely awful weather - snow/ice or driving rain - or absolutely having to take the little one). This winter, if I feel chilly, I'm going to put on an extra layer and grab a blanket instead of turning up the heat.  And, I'm going to make a concerted effort to turn off lights/tv/computer when I leave the room - something I haven't been good about doing at all.   I'd also like to compost - though that requires some equipment.  I'm not sure I can build the compost barrel myself (though I could try).  I'm hoping to get at least one rain barrel built by summer as well.  And I'm going to reduce my own trash and processed food consumption.  As a family, I'm really hoping I can get everyone on board for a weekly "eco-Sabbath" - where we turn off everything electric (except the heat in the winter) and devote the time period we decide to talking, being outside, enjoying the quiet.  It would be cool to work up to an entire day though an evening or afternoon would be a great start.

It should be an interesting discussion.  Stay tuned to find out how it goes . . .

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